Check the following:
- Place your feet flat on the floor with one foot slightly in front of the other.
- Sit up straight with your back supported by the chair.
- Sit the correct distance from the keyboard: drop your arms straight down by your sides and then place your fingers on the keys. If you are in the correct position, your elbows will be straight down by your sides.
- Place your fingers on the home keys in a curved position.
- Slant your forearms at the same angle as the keyboard.
- Keep your wrists low, but do not rest them on the keyboard.
Locate the E Key
The E keyed with the D finger. Place your fingers on the home keys. Look at your hands and practice the reach to E.
ded ded ded ded
Then look away and practice.
ded ded ded ded
Practice the E key reach
Key each line two times.
- ded ded deed sees keels lakes seal seeds dells ded
- ded desks lease fakes jaded seal see leak ease fee
- dead deaf added fled leeks sales leaf fees del ded
- a fake; desk sales; a jaded elf asked; a deeded ad
- see a lake; fake a seal; see a leak; eases a lease
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